Swim Meet Levels 7-8 No purchase required to enroll
Group Swim Lessons
2 - Minnows
Ages 13 months to 30 months
This Parent/Toddler class focuses on the importance of creating boundaries in and around water.
This Parent/Toddler class focuses on the importance of creating boundaries in and around water.
1 - Tadpoles
Ages 4 months to 12 months
This Parent/Infant class focuses on water adjustment, safety skills, and breath control.
3 - Younger Leapfrog
Ages 2.5 years to 4 years
This Beginner class provides a foundation that helps children achieve comfort with basic swim skills.
This Beginner class provides a foundation that helps children achieve comfort with basic swim skills.
3 - Older Leapfrog
Ages 5 years to 12 years
This Beginner class provides a foundation that helps children achieve comfort with basic swim skills.
This Beginner class provides a foundation that helps children achieve comfort with basic swim skills.
4 - Seahorses
Ages 4 years and up
This Advanced Beginner class helps students achieve control of breathing while swimming.
This Advanced Beginner class helps students achieve control of breathing while swimming.
5 - Starfish
Ages 4 years and up
This Intermediate class helps students master breath control and efficient strokes to gain independence in the water.
This Intermediate class helps students master breath control and efficient strokes to gain independence in the water.
6 - Seals
Based on swim ability
This Intermediate class helps students develop efficient coordination in the arms, legs, breathing, and body position at swim tempo.
7 - Sharks
Based on swim ability
This Advanced class helps students refine underwater technique in breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, sidestroke, and butterfly.
8 - Stingrays
Based on swim ability
This Advanced class helps students refine and strengthen each swimming stroke and build endurance while swimming.